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Best Practices to Maximize
Your GainShare Rebate Earnings

Very few things in business happen by accident. Results are achieved with clear and effective communication. This also applies to success with GainShare.

Realize the win-win-win aspects of GainShare:

  1. Your company wins by earning additional rebate dollars once you achieve purchase goals.
  2. IMARK supplier GainShare partners win with increased rates of sales growth and gain market share with your company and your customers.
  3. Sales reps who work with your company win with increased sales commission.
  4. When you achieve success with GainShare, the entire IMARK group is strengthened.

Engage your employees and sales reps with clear and effective communication:

  1. Make employees in your company (purchasing, marketing, counter sales, inside/outside sales, branch managers) aware of your GainShare plans.
  2. Communicate why employees should care about GainShare success and explain how they can help your company earn a bigger rebate from IMARK.
  3. Confirm your sales reps know they represent a supplier with whom you have a GainShare plan.
  4. Plan activities with local sales reps:
    1. Merchandise (update the sales counter area).
    2. Hold joint sales calls with suppliers.
    3. Host customer training meetings regarding products and applications.
    4. Schedule sales/marketing planning meetings with reps to spur greater sales. Review current and prospective customers.
    5. Consider a spiff campaign to encourage your personnel to promote and sell GainShare partners products.

Execute efficient and effective follow-through on all sales and marketing activities. Keep your employees and sales reps engaged throughout the year and stay focused on achieving GainShare goals.

Remember to review your GainShare status report a few times each month and initiate action when necessary to reach GainShare goals.

For more information, please contact Ted Havel at